Marine Cargo & Hull Insurance

About Agency Operations

The long and rich history of friendship that the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Republic of India share is founded on trust and a robust trade and business partnership since the time of the Dilmun and Indus Valley civilizations.

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New India is one of the leading Marine Cargo Insurers in Asia insuring commodities ranging from bulk crude oil to precious diamonds. Its covers are recognized at par with those of the most reputed insurance companies in the world.

New India has insured Oil Drilling Rigs, Bulk Carriers, Cargo Carriers, Passenger Ships, Dhows, Fishing Vessels, Pleasure Crafts, Tugs, Lighters, etc. It provides standard global cover adapted to the local conditions at a very competitive premium rates.

Marine Cargo Insurance to cover

  • Import / Export Insurance
  • Inland Transit Insurance (all risks and road risk only)
  • SRCC(Strikes Riots and Civil Commotion)
  • WAR


  • ICC (A): All Risk Insurance for various cargoes being transported by sea in break-bulk or containers.
  • ICC (B): A more restricted cover where shortage and rain water damage is not covered.
  • ICC (C): This is a still more restricted cover with the least price where shortage, water damage of any kind, washing overboard, earthquake, lightening, breakage, scratching, infestation, hook and sling damage etc. are not covered.

Inland Transit All Risks

This is an All Risk cover for goods transported by any land conveyance such as trucks or trains.

Inland Transit Road Risk Only

This covers loss to consignments consequent to an accident to the carrying vehicle or due to fire.

Air Transit All Risks

This covers All Risk damage to a consignment due to any risk whilst being transported by an Aircraft.

Marine Hull Insurance

New India Assurance offers Marine Hull Insurance for ocean going vessels where the coverage is as per Institute Time Clause (Hulls). The coverage includes the following

  • Damage to the Hull due to accident.
  • Damage to the Engine [including breakdown.]
  • Damage to Third Party Property due to an accident.
  • 3/4 Collision Liability. 
  • General Average and Salvage charges.

A restricted cover of the above namely Institute Time Clauses - Hulls, (Total Loss only) can also be given.
The Sum Insured in the above should be the present day replacement value of the Hull.

For a quote please send complete details by e-mail to us on